Tuesday, 26 July 2011

All Change Please...


So firstly I need to apologize for being completely non-existent and ignoring my blogging duties.
Unfortunately this rather crazy thing called life got in the way, and I was somewhat distracted by some rather large and important things, and also some crazy small irrelevant things... ah the joys of a short attention span.
So kids, like I'm totally sorry!

So on to the next random thought - Change... and no not the small silver coins in your pocket kind, but the big assed, you're actually going to be a little challenged or fucking scared kind...

There has been alot of this kind of change in my life of late. And as much fun as it is being a rather dramatic queen, it has been somewhat of an emotional roller coaster ride. Yeeehawwww - shit in your pants.

I sense alot of change coming... some big change and some small change (I'll also take the silvery kind, thank you very much). It leaves me feeling... apprehensive, yet excited.

If I can make the big change happen, it will mean exciting, challenging, learn new things kinda change. Which I think is really important in any one's life. We need to be challenged, motivated and pushed to our boundaries.

Change however, can also be of a negative kind, and how we limit this change is sometimes rather self defeating, but we keep on trying don't we? The question is, is change inevitable as the cliche goes, and how should we embrace or fear this phenomenon?

I would like to embrace the change in the next few weeks. I challenge myself to all change please...

I'll keep you all updated and reveal more when I can. But for the time being... I'd like to challenge you to leave me a comment - how do you feel about change? What has been your biggest/scariest change?

P.S. I promise to be more regular... on this blog, and not necessarily in the toilet kind.

Friday, 15 July 2011


Stonewall - The leading Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual charity in the UK, fighting towards equality for LGB people in all aspects of life.

For more information please see:

Please support this very worthy charity if you are able. Every cent/penny/dollar/pound makes a difference.

Thank you!

Thursday, 7 July 2011


Thankful - For what I have and what I am yet to learn

Hey kids, as you may or may not have noticed, I have not posted for a while. My apologies for this. I have been dealing with a very stressful family emergency in South Africa and have been away. Short story is that my mom had a brain tumor removed and she is now recovering well, which is a real blessing.

I have come to realise in the past week or so that my life holds much to be thankful for, regardless of how stressed and emotional I may have been feeling, and let me tell you, this week has been a pretty tough rollercoaster ride on that ride of emotional ups and downs. I have been super worried about my Mom's health and my Father's emotional well being, and being very far away from home ( I love in London, South Africa is home) has not been easy.

The distance has put alot of strain on me personally and I have felt pretty useless at times, knowing that a loved one is sick or in pain and suffering distress. As much as you can phone, Skype and text people, not being able to be there all the time in physical presence weighs heavily on the heart and mind. I have come back to SA and am glad I did to be with my family through this difficult time.

Bridging the gap between us physically has also bridged the gap emotionally and we have reconnected which is great. I've lived away from home for 7 years now and it has been tough, but also very rewarding.

I have however over the past couple of days realised I have much to be thankful for, and do try keep this in my mind at all times, so as to not be caught up in the craziness and chaos that is life, emotions and stress.

I am thankful for a loving family, who are all still together
I am thankful for an amazing supporting and loving husband who has been my emotional rock through all of this.
I am thankful for super supportive friends and colleagues, who have made me smile and warmed my heart when all I felt like doing was being weak.

Thank you to everyone who has been so supportive over the past few weeks.

More pretty damn fabulous soon to come :) For now, I shall enjoy the warm South African winter sun... mmmmmmh pass the SPF boys