Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Marriage Equality

Why Marriage Equality Matters...

It's been a while since I last updated this blog. I kinda got lost in all things called life, job, family, friends, etc

I'm back - and I'm pissed off. I have something to bitch about, because quite frankly - it stinks.
It's what should be a pretty simple issue really, a no brainer in any rationale mind. The issue of marriage equality.

For those of you left wondering what I'm about to start ranting about. Let me spell it out for you. Society, government, and the church, who claim to have the right to tell me who I can, and cannot marry as a homosexual man. Because I am a gay man, in many parts of the world, I do not have the right to marry the man I love, and lead a loving committed relationship with this person, under the banner of marriage, sharing full legal equality and rights with heterosexual couples, all because we happen to be two men who want to get hitched.

I've a pretty simple response: Fuck You!
Who gives them the right to deny me equal rights and the option of leading a married life with the person I love?

There's alot going on around the world right now, in terms of marriage equality, and the fight for true marriage rights in the LGBT community. I cannot believe that in the year 2012 we are still having this argument about who can and cannot marry. It simply confounds my mind.
Why do the notions of bigotry, hatred and inequality still prevail in this modern world today?
It's because deep down, there are people out there who are quite simply scared as fuck. Either they're scared of what they think 'gay marriage' is, or they're ignorant to the reality that two people of the same sex can actually love each other enough to want to make a real commitment to each other, exchange two metal bands and throw one hell of a party to declare their love to the world.

But who the hell has the right to deny me this basic notion of love?
NO ONE. Dare I say it again - NO ONE!

Most recently, the state of North Carolina in America voted on and declared that same sex marriage is now constitutionally illegal. That means, that people of North Carolina, went out, and voted against marriage equality. They felt they had the right to deny thousands of North Carolina same sex couples the right to legally wed the person they love. With a 61% margin voting against same sex marriage, there was a strong and clear message that gays did not have the basic human right to marry the person they love.
It becomes the 30th state in the USA to ban same sex marriage.
That's 30 states people - 30 different places in America that think its ok to say - because you are gay, you do not have the right to marry. You are a 2nd class citizen, and do not have the same basic legal rights as your heterosexual peers.
Pure and utter craziness! Disheartening and saddening for thousands of people affected by one stupid law.

Why do you think marriage equality is an issue? How do you think it really affects people's lives? Or do people even realise that it does in fact affect lives?
The video below, is probably the most emotional, and profound video I have ever watched on Youtube in my 28 years of existence.
It reduced me to tears in a crowded coffee shop. I couldn't care less about people seeing me cry. I was crying because the message and story it told, was heartbreaking. The traumatic story of how marriage INEQUALITY ruins people's lives.

Shane Bitney Crone, the creator of this heart wrenching video tells the story of the man he loves. Tom Bridegroom. Shane and Tom were boyfriends, who shared a business, a house, a dog, and most importantly their lives. They were two regular people, who happened to both me men, who loved each other.
Watch this video, and share it with EVERYONE you know.
This is the reality of how marriage inequality affects real people's lives.
This is the reality of how much heartache and pain, bigotry, fear, discrimination and inequality can cause.

We have to fight for our rights. We have to change the laws, and we have to change the mindsets out there that it's ok to deny same sex couples the right to love and marry.
It is simply and unequivocally UNACCEPTABLE.

Your thoughts, comments and sharing of this article, video are appreciated.