Sunday, 4 December 2011


Well howdy doodle kids!

I've been away, on a somewhat super fabulous vacation to the US, where I partied the hours away with my gorgeous husband, and a fabulous group of friends, surrounded by a sea of super hot muscley gays, as the picture above shows. (and yes I was the paparazzi perve taking the photo)

Partying on the beach, in glorious weather, sun shining down, great music playing, and an open bar certainly stacked up for a recipe of glorious fun, fun fun! The event was called 'Muscle Beach' and it certainly was exactly that... I was surrounded by the most muscley gay men I have ever seen in one spot, making it the gayest and possibly hottest event ever...

Think loads of good looking, muscled, bronzed gays partying it up to 'sickening' good grooves, all the while having the gorgeous ocean behind you. It was.... HAWWT!!
Super Hawt!

Whilst I was watching the sea of muscle, groove and grind to the music, and besides perving my little gay eye balls out, I started thinking about how hedonistic gay boys are (myself included - I won't dare to try not wear that badge), how we love a good party, half naked flesh and free booze - did someone say awesomeness?
Well yes, it was awesome - but was there something we were missing...

Gay's are renowned for having good parties and 'banding' together to get their groove on. We can shake it like our momma's made it, and gurl - we do... but I kept thinking -

If only we could come together like we do at parties, on the big issues? Gay Marriage, gay rights, adoption, legislation and equality. And... yes, before you jump on the, 'let's pound Craig' with examples bandwagon, of how there are groups of gays that do band together, I'm looking at this for a much bigger picture.

Gays - let's be honest with ourselves. We could and definitely need to be able to come together and focus on changing our worlds for the better - together.

And let's bloody hell make it a good party kids - We can do anything!!!


What are your thoughts?


  1. Band together with the good people (gays) of "AllOut":

  2. Agreed - I also support AllOut - share the link guys!!
